Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 29 - 5 things

Tonight I decided to do another pass in our bathroom.  Considering I've already hit the bathroom 5 days, it was much harder this time around (progress!).  Also, I literally have products lined up by the sink to remind me to USE THEM (use it or lose it!), but I should probably set a date limit of when I'm just going to throw them out.

I still managed to scrounge up a broken running watch, a running watch with a dead battery (I have I picked one that I told myself I'd get a new battery for), some nearly empty toiletry boxes, and these little strips of soap to keep in your purse for times when a bathroom doesn't have soap (I don't keep these in my purse any longer because one time I forgot what they were and put one in my mouth thinking it was one of those Listerine breath strip things...):

Isn't it crazy that none of these things are useful to us or add any value to our lives, yet we keep stuff like this all the time?!

And since 2 of those things are technically trash and I decided trash shouldn't really count, I got rid of 2 more pairs of shoes:

The pink ones were some of my faves (fun brand called Irregular Choice), but if you look too closely, I should probably be embarrassed to wear them (pretty sure that's mold?).  So out they went.

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