Thursday, August 25, 2005

Solitaire and "That Thing You Do"

I would just like to say that "That Thing You Do" is one my favorite movies - I watch it at least once a week and I love "Lenny". I wacthed it tonight as I played solitaire after work. If I can figure out how to post pictures I will show you guys my room and myself with my new favorite T-shirt.

My room is great and ghetto all at the same time - just picture an arch-way that is covered by a make-shift plywood wall covered with what looks like a red and white striped table cloth that looks like something your Grandma would have brought out for Sunday picnics. Not only that, but the make-shift wall doesn't completely cover all of the "holes" - so - I have a grey blanket on top and an ugly white towel hanging by bullentin board tacks from the wall - Oh yeah and by the way - the walls are wood panneling "YEAH!" - I do however have a piano and a fireplace - a fireplace in Houston - isn't that an oxymoron?

I acquired a grey and black rug that I have grown fond of - my drum kit is in the middle of the room and my twin bed is shoved over in the corner - where earlier last month I found a roach in my bed just chillin - I hate bugs. Oh I almost forgot - I have a ceiling fan that hangs down from my vaulted ceiling - but it doesn't work. There are also five tall windows that are all covered with bed sheets (kind of trashy but kind of cool).

This is really cool - I bought a new loop program today and am really excited - soon I'll be really makin some cool stuff.

that's all I have to say tonight -

if anybody can tell me how to publish photos or whatever - I'm "all ears".


Jason said...

Jay, whats the program called? just curious. you can publish photos in your blog by using the insert photo button when you are creating the entry. it's one of the icons up at the top.

Jay said...

The new program is called STYLUS RMX - and what button at the top of my blog thing - there aren't any buttons in my dashboard

Jay said...

I found the button to insert pictures for posts but not for my profile and stuff.

Shelli said...

"Oh, I'm not with these guys...I gotta pig in competition! I'm gonna WIN THAT BLUE RIBBON!". -Lenny.