Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Freelance Whales!

The same night I painted my lamp, I also went to see Freelance Whales (I had a very busy night). I loved them.

They haven't been around all that long, and I think this might have been their first headlining tour (I think the whole encore thing confused them - the lead guy said it was the longest they'd ever played). So they were just so cute and humble about the whole thing. And they were amazing - I've never seen a band before where the xylophone and 5-part harmonies are integral to every song. And they rotate instruments pretty much every song.

This video is super weird, but while they were playing this song, a girl in the front passed out. So the lead singer guy put his banjo down and grabbed his water bottle and jumped off the stage to assist. And after the song, the girl in the band jumped back down to make sure she was OK.

This is how they got their start (this is my favorite song):

(This is a random video set to the actual album version)

Fun fact: The #2 guy in the band, Chuck Criss, is brother of Darren Criss, this guy:

(Gotta slip Katy Perry in where I can)

1 comment:

LaurenMZ said...

I like them! And I LOVE The Warblers doing Teenage Dream. Maybe my most favorite Glee performance ever.