Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Craigslist Furniture Finds

I love looking on Craigslist just to see what's out there (we actually bought a couch on Craigslist a few months ago when I was just looking). Sometimes I wonder if sellers realize that people are looking on Craigslist for DEALS - so don't try to get a good price for the crap you don't even want anymore! I've been looking at wingback chairs, and there are lots for sale in the $50ish range that I would totally buy with the plan to recover if I were in the market for a good wingback chair. I ran across 2 that were just funny to me:

"Custom wingback chair in decorator golf print - original cost $1,000":
And a close up:

My first thought was that it's completely irrelevant to me that this was a custom golf print because the appeal of custom is that you can do it however you want...and I'm stuck with what the seller picked. And secondly, really $1,000? You wanted a golf chair that badly? (I looked up new wingback chairs, and $1000 actually isn't a bad price, but on principle I'm going to say it is.) This person was trying to get $275 for this chair (ie new owner would also want a golf chair that badly and not be recovering in their own, custom print).

[You know, I started thinking that it would be acceptable for someone like Jay's dad, whose career is centered around golf, to have this chair in a study or office... but then you have to wonder if the woman on there even has good form.]

"Unique Jungle print Wingback Chair - $50"
Yikes - those are some big giraffes and elephants. To this person's credit, they are only trying to get $50.

And then I was amazed at the array of colors you can find when looking for a leather couch. Craigslist has the whole rainbow!


Green is surprisingly popular:

"Pale" Yellow:


And my favorite, Perwinkle:

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