Thursday, May 08, 2008

New Computer? Yes Please

So... there I was waiting for the two packages to arrive at my mother-in-laws house. (I have to have packages shipped there because my apartment complex is a UPS nightmare.) I grew even more anxious as I finally opened the newly rapped reason refill samples that I had so desperately wanted for months. One of the sample packages, (reason Pianos) was an amazing catalog of four highly esteemed pianos recorded and sampled with different mic positions and insert many adjectives about recording and engineering that you don't care about - here - .

The second package contained a similar set up. It is called The Abbey Road Keyboards which of course contained the same type of samples, but taken from the actual pianos that have called abbey road studios in England home since the Beatles recorded there. Not only the Challen upright piano and the Mrs. Mills piano found all over the Beatles records, but some other very cool instruments as well.

So I rushed home to load the samples on to my hard drive. I inserted the discs, followed all the right steps, and proceeded to fire up my Reason Software only to find that my shitty G4 Apple Powerbook was not fast enough to use the samples I was so anxiously awaiting.

SHIT! I was pissed to say the least. Of course my lovely and supportive wife charms in with the last comment I wanted to hear... "You should have made sure your computer could run those things before you bought them." I wanted to kill her... don't get carried away - you know what I mean.

So for the past month I've been crazily trying to make various tracks and songs with my new samples only to find I can only load very small amounts of samples into my sessions.

Anyways with all that said - Here comes my digital saviour - Being that I am an employee of a non-profit church he also comes to us %10 off of the regular price and tax free. That's right... Tax FREE.

Please welcome the (2) 2.8Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon Harpertown Processor- 8 Core Mac PRO to the Snider Family.


Stu said...

Jay, I love your drama and fiascos. Enjoy the MacPro.

Reags said...

I would have to agree with the wife. You should have checked the run requirements of your pieces but then, I'm a wife so we have to say those kinds of things. It's in the Wife Handbook. It's also in the Big Sister Handbook. Neither of which you can see - it's outlawed in aforementioned handbooks. BTW - mix in some capitals, buddy. I didn't realize that "reason" was the name of your new software until I read your post for the 2nd time. Unless, of course, "reason" is not capitalized as part of the marketing strategy in which case, completely ignore me, as you usually do when I don't know what I'm talking about. Ciao.

momipat said...

I am so excited you are pumped about your new computer. Is it here yet? Alas, your sister has inheritad the correct the spelling - capitalization genie from your grandfathr. He used to send us (reagan included) our own letters with the errors circiled and capitalized. My first year writing for a newspaper, the perison I wrote a long feature peice wrote me a note ( I was so excited I thought she would be praising me!!) and she was correcting my grammer that my editor had missed. AH... I did not inherite that gene.
I shall send you the specks on my new duel processor WINDOWS machine and the compeittion is on!!!
Love, M
PS. Kudos to Lindsay! It is in the Wife Handbook. Continue on, Mrs. Snider

Anonymous said...

jay I for one and probably the only one am on your side. the fmales always support each other whether they are right or not. men never check the specs or ask for directions...its just a man thing D for dad
ps mom always check YOUR specs luv