Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

I thought that posting more often would be a decent thing to do. My oldest sister blogs all the time and I feel like she does a great job letting family and friends know what's going on in her fam's world. 

No REAL news here. Just bored. Wondering how I'm going to make some money in the next few months. Typically summers are packed with things for musicians that end up being the lot of your income for the year. I however of course don't like the typical summer stuff. Mainly - camps. Ugh

I said no to three camps this year that would have been some great income. But, honestly - I'd rather be home with my wife hanging out at our home. Thank goodness she will make some money this summer. 

Oh yeah... I am growing a beard. I may put up a picture of that progress later. Maybe.

Today is an American holiday - ... I think? I am still in The Woodlands from playing on Sunday morning and I am so bored. Our new computer from the previous post isn't here yet - so I can't really work on a lot of things until that is here.

Anyways.... yeah

1 comment:

Reags said...

Thanks for the compliment. Mostly I feel like I babble on and people are probably all, "Why the heck did she think we'd want to read about that?!" but at least I post pictures of the kiddos so that the GPs don't have an aneurism from lack of GK time. Miss you. Hope I get to see you guys this summer.