Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day1 - 5 things

The other day, Jay declared we needed more storage.  When there are only 2 of you in a 4 bedroom home, I'm pretty sure the problem isn't lack of storage - the problem is too much stuff!

Well this got me stressed, especially since Christmas is right around the corner, and you tend to stockpile even MORE during the holidays.

I decided that we should get rid of 5 things every day between now and Thanksgiving.  Excusing ourselves for a few days we will be out of town, that gives us about 35 days, which means we will get rid of 175 items that are sitting in our house that we no longer need.  I honestly don't think this is going to be too difficult...

So day 1 - five sports bras.  Because I honestly only wear my 2 favorites, though I did keep four because that's about the max I ever work out in a week.

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