Sunday, May 08, 2011

6 Years of music

I haven't posted anything in a long long time. Linz (wife) is much better than me at being current.

My sister Leanne told me the other day that one of her friends enjoyed reading the new music that Linz and I listen to and post about. Lindsay said that it was only because SHE blogged about it. I agreed but added that she typically hears the music from me and THEN blogs about it. I'm just giving her a hard time. Lindsay has great taste in music. We love everything from Cinematic Orchestra to Katy Perry. I really enjoy good pop music. Leanne says she feels bad because she listens to Justin Bieber and Katy Perry. Little does she know.... hahaha.

I have been making music and playing music for six years. It's interesting to look back on what I thought was such a difficult time and realize it was all very necessary. It would be easy to look on a lot of missed opportunities as bad luck or misfortune and let some of those things overshadow the good days, great songs, great gigs, and great people. I'm very thankful for all the good.

Everyone has to learn and grow some where right? Well... at least the people who are attempting to go, do, and be better all around seem to. I think a lot of the music scene has to do with not necessarily who you know but who you are. Is he or she a good hang or do people get quiet/make a face when that person is mentioned. It's easy to know very quickly.

As a Jesus follower and a "Bible" believer - I feel like it's very true that "no one is good, not one" - basically - everybody has flaws and is capable of being a complete ass/shit/whatever you call terrible people. But truly - I really have met some great people, and I have recently decided that I'm done trying to impress the people who "I'm supposed to impress or befriend so that..." - mainly because I've missed out on a lot of good things because I was too wrapped up in an idea of a person or a gig, or a project, or a band etc. etc. etc. Plus - we all know where the pity parties lead to.... no friends, no calls, no work. I've been there and it's not a fun place to be.

In the last two years I've produced or co-produced four EP's consisting of:
Neal Mabry
Hooray For Love
Tommy Lynch
Tim Qualls
A New Band - currently with no name that is really kick ass - I'm in this band. More to come later about this.

Each project was completely different. Different songs, players, places, seasons, and people all together.

Producing music is one of my favorite things to do. It's tricky and difficult, but the rewards can be great. Some times you can give a song or a record new direction by writing something new for it - shoving it really hard out of it's comfort zone or slightly nudging it in a different direction. Some times it's taxing and some times it's effortless. The best way to be good at something is to find someone who does it well and copy them. I'm serious. You want to know the difference between a good producer and a great producer? Look for the guy everyone talks about being such a great person. You can be great at your craft, but if you suck - nobody really cares about you. If you are a great hang- then the sky is the limit.

Andy Hunt is a producer in Nashville. He is also a very well known engineer and songwriter. I got connected with Andy through my friend Ryan Booth who interned for another producer that Andy used to share a space with in Nashville (Mitch Dane). I've worked with Andy on a few things - mainly utilizing his skills to mix some of my projects. Working on a record in Nashville with him for about three days was enough to solidify my thoughts about producing and how I would approach working on my own projects. I couldn't believe how encouraging and positive this guy was. So even keel and joyful. I felt like he was genuinely glad to see his friends and thankful he got to make music. There is definitely a nitty gritty technical detailed side to producing and music, but watching Andy work inspired me. Anyways - like I said - I feel very lucky to have had the opportunities I've had. Besides - how many bands do you absolutely love that you have NO idea as to the names of ANY of the guys who are either in the band, produced the music, or worked as engineers? I would say it's more than %90. Probably closer to %99 if you are like me.

All that says is that most of the people who work in music, who are very talented, and are really great will probably never ever be famous.

The reality is that there are thousands of people in the music biz that are extremely talented in different areas of music that we will never know about. From musicians to producers to songwriters. I think the question for people like myself is "Am I ok with not ever being famous?" I think I can say for certain that yes - I am, but I'll never say I wouldn't want that. Who wouldn't?

Anyways - enough rambling. Here is a list of music (I've) been listening to for the last few years.

Thad Cockrell - To Be Loved- Favorite record of 2010 - Linz will blog about him soon and my recent experience.
Paper Route - Absence - Favorite record of 2009

I recently started listening to the Beatles. So many songs to check out. If you aren't a beatles fan - don't beat yourself up or be afraid to say you haven't really listened to them - people can get over themselves. it's OK. If you want to start with the Beatles try listening to Revolver. I think that's a good one to start with. (quick thought - if you tell someone you haven't ever listened to beatles and they give you a condescending look or say something snide = don't fear they are probably terrible... - on the other hand - if they are really nice and say - oh man check out ______________ yadda yadda yadda = be happy. they are cool)

Landon Pigg - The Boy Who Never - Great record!!
Black Dub
The Civil Wars
Jonsi - Go live
Jonsi and Alex - Riceboy sleeps
K.S. Rhoads - Dead Language
Adele - 21
The Alternate Routes - Good and reckless and true
Ben Folds - Way To Normal
The Cinematic Orchestra

Coldplay - Viva la vida - if you have only listened to the title track - shame on you - listen to the rest of the record!! AMAZING

Death Cab - narrow stairs
Florence and The Machine - (I discovered them and told Linz BTW)

The Gabe Dixon Band - been listening to them for a long time, but they came out with a self titled record and it was really good

Glen Hansard

I own every Harry Connick Jr. Record - you should too - if you like that sort of genre

BTW I listen to the Vince Guaraldi Trio - Charlie Brown Xmas - ALL YEAR LONG

Huey Lewis and The News - one band I remember my dad listening to on road trips growing up

Miles Davis - kind of blue - if you don't like jazz - buy this record
Jonsi - Go
Katy Perry
Michael Buble
Ray LaMontagne - Trouble, Til the Sun Turns black
Ryan Adams - Love is Hell Pt. I and II
Sarah Bareilles - either of her records
Sean Carey - All we Grow
Bon Iver
Sheryl Crow - 100 Miles From memphis
Van Morrison

Hopefully I'll be posting more regularly


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I only reminded you that I am actually the one that writes the blogs the majority of the time... I would consider most of "my" taste in music as "ours" as I think they have slowly converged over the years. Such pride in ownership...sheesh!

And as someone with more blog writing experience, I recommend chopping up so many thoughts into multiple blogs - that was long.