Sunday, October 23, 2005

U2 Tickets!! and Playing WIth Matt This morning

So I just got home from playing at church this morning and had a realization.

I realized t hat I have tickets to U2 next friday.

On another note we played a song called "I shall believe" which I think was first written by Sheryl Crow and then Matt Brouwer (who I played with this morning) re-did it on his latest album "unlearning" which is being played regularly on Christian radio in Houston and in California. It has been one of the most requested songs on Christian radio and it was just cool to get to play it with him. In fact - the first time that particular song was played on the radio - I was in the car with him and we both tuned in together. That may seem cheasy but I thought it was cool considering I am nobody and he is somebody in Christian music.

Anyways - hope everyone is well.

- Jay

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