Tuesday, October 25, 2005

David Crowder* and Jeremy Bush

Most of you know who David Crowder is but most of you probably don't know who jeremy bush is.

Well before I get to jeremy I will just say that the Crowder show last night was just as good as it was in Little Rock.

Jeremy is crowder's drummer a.k.a. Bwack - he and I got to chat after the show until everyone in the building except the cleaning crew were gone. The cleaning crew and my friends who were patiently waiting on me. He is a very genuine guy. We talked about a possible "gathering" in Waco at the end of April for guys on jeremy's forum. We discussed a whole lot of aspects about it - as far as what would take place - who would be invited and depending upon numbers - if we could get m-audio, roland, and other product makers like SHURE, propellerhead, or ableton to showcase their products for a lower price.

It was a really cool conversation because nobody in close proximity to me does the same stuff or is into the same stuff and the forum is great but not real-time. Meaning that it's like learning how to ride a bike by reading emails that someone is sending you. Only you can only ask a few questions at a time and as new problems come up you have to ask new questions.

So in other words it takes forever. So we (jeremy and I) want to have a showcase/seminar weekend where guys can figure out what works best for them (keep in mind this whole thing I am talking about concerns programming, live-setup, loops/tracks, and guitars, synths, amps, drums, circuit bending - you name it)

It is really exciting and really cool.

I am now on a VERY SMALL first name basis with crowder and tomlin's drummer. If someone would have told me that six months ago I probably would have laughed and said "well, that WOULD be cool" but anyways.

I'm excited!

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