Saturday, December 03, 2011

The Sing Off

There are very few TV shows that Jay and I actually agree on and watch together. This is not one of them.

I don't watch "American Idol" or "X Factor" or "The Voice," but I do like "The Sing Off." I feel like part of it might be that I like who judges, particularly Ben Folds. But it has some really talented performers, too. Jay would let me show him my 1 or 2 favorite performances from each episode, and it was usually this group - they were my fave and ended up winning. This totally appeals to my pop-loving self (I listen to top 40 on the way to work every morning...).

This first song is my least favorite song off Florence & The Machine's last album, but this version is amazing:

And this one is just impressively clever how they mix the 2 songs:

They also did a Katy Perry song, and we all know how much we love Katy Perry at this house...but it wasn't one of their best.

And apparently the beatboxer is multi-talented (and studied music at Yale):

I mean - don't you kind of feel like you should learn how to beatbox now?!  I told Jay he would probably be good at it being a drummer and all, but he declined.

1 comment:

LaurenMZ said...

We LOVE the Sing Off! I watched it with mom & dad when I was home early for Thanksgiving, which is when Pentatonix performed Dog Days. And dad cried.