Monday, October 10, 2011

Digitizing Life - Day 3

Today was a bit of a light scanning day.  I scanned 65, which brings us to a total of 295.

Tonight, we jumped back to Freshman Year - 1996 (15 years ago!).

Me and Abby on the first day of school (we're still friends - I helped throw her a baby shower yesterday).  Everyone (really EVERYONE) should recognize the plaque behind us where the hidden key was...

McCullough Caillies - this was at Super Halftime.  I'm sure I felt really cool because Lauren was a Highstepper officer.

I think this was our last ski trip before someone finally mentioned they didn't really like it, and the rest of us agreed.

Me and my best friends Pam, Abby, and Abbey - we did an ensemble together.  I have dozens of pictures of the 4 of us.

And my last Boni's dance recital - I'd been doing them since I was probably 3.  That's little Kathryn on the bottom right!  (And again with Abby and Pam - other Abbey wasn't in ballet or else I'm sure she'd be in the picture.)

1 comment:

LaurenMZ said...

LOVE these! Nothing like Highstepper red lips and ballet blue eyeshadow.