Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Equal Opportunity Music Listeners

In our house, we like music. We like variety. I tell Jay (and he agrees) that he has the musical taste of a man in his mid-50s, but he's actually broadened his horizons substantially since we've been together...though he's still angry about going to see Mates of State with me FOUR YEARS AGO.

We have a recent musical obsession. I like to think of her as our new best friend...a new member of the family. We love her. The funny thing is, Jay is the one who downloaded one of her albums (we have since downloaded her latest). I'm afraid to tell you who it is because she sings dumb pop music. But then she went and did this amazing, jazzy Unplugged. And she's a really amazing singer. Who knew?!

Now don't judge...we love her...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not so sure. I have always turned to you for music suggestions but I don't know that I can follow you this time. I do admire your courage in admitting your musical crush.