Sunday, January 03, 2010

Posterity = Overrated

Growing up, my mom would let us keep mementos in a "posterity box." When they moved into their new house, my parents gave me the box, along with several other boxes I had left at their house for several years. Revisiting the posterity box, I've discovered that most if it is just crap and I have no idea why I thought I should keep it (like 4 t-shirts from my 1 year of cheerleading and anything I ever wrote in the third grade). Combined with my own "posterity" items that I just haven't thrown out since moving out of our apartment, we have a lot of crap. A roomful, people.

So I decided that life is just too short to worry if I'll ever wear some shirt again that I haven't in 2-3 years. So now I'm getting ruthless. We've almost filled up 3 trash bags worth of stuff for Goodwill and 2 trash bags of true trash. All of Jay's t-shirts once again fit in his t-shirt drawer. All of our documents are neatly organized in labeled binders (bought a labeler - I love it) that all fit on a single book shelf. And the boxes are dwindling.

Side note: I was telling a friend about throwing stuff out and she said I should donate all of it. When I told her a lot of what I was throwing out was class notes, she said you never know...someone might need that kind of stuff in a in the background of some sort of classroom scene. What?!

I still have 2 boxes to go, and it's the hard stuff I haven't been able to make a decision about. [Plus both mothers have said they have more...] And we'll keep the posterity box (cleaned out of course), though I'm sure in a few years half of what I put in their today will just be crap.

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