Friday, February 27, 2009

25 Things

Seriously...who hasn't been tagged a dozen times for the "25 Random Things" thing? I don't even know how to write a note in Facebook, but since Kath just did hers on her blog, I figured I could finish mine on here (I actually started this awhile ago but it takes a long time to come up with 25 things about yourself).

1 - When I was about 4, my dad pulled out my sister's trundle bed on my foot and I had to get stitches. It's still the most serious injury I've ever had (I've always been the cautious type).

2 - I was a serious nose picker (we're talking to the point of bleeding people). I can remember picking my nose and hiding the boogers behind the pillows on that plaid couch we had in North Carolina so that my mom wouldn't know. Ewwww...

3 - When I was 5 or 6, I wanted to be a belly dancer for Halloween. My mom bought all the supplies to make my costume and I changed my mind because I was embarrassed to tell people I was going to be a belly dancer. So she made me a purple princess costume instead.

4 - The next year, I went as Lauren's poodle (she was a poodle skirt girl - I had originally wanted to be a poodle skirt girl, too, but she talked me out of it). My mom made me a killer costume, probably because she felt bad that Lauren had convinced me to go as her dog.

5 - I was in speech therapy because I couldn't say my Rs. My tongue still hurts if I think about it.

6 - I started taking piano lessons when I was 5. I begged my mom forever to let me quit. The recital that I literally sat at the piano and didn't know my song (and the teacher wasn't there to help get me through it) was pretty much the breaking point. She finally let me quit, but sometimes I wish she hadn't.

7 - In Kindergarten, we had nap time right before recess. I can only remember going to recess like once the whole year. I've always been a good napper.

8 - When I was in first grade, we moved back to Texas in the middle of the year. In North Carolina we had actual desks that had a little place to keep your pencils. In Texas, they just had tables, and everyone had pencil boxes...everyone but me. So I held my pencils all day...took them to lunch...took them to recess...hid them in my lap when we sat on the floor...because I was embarrassed that I didn't have a pencil box. I went home and made my mom take me to get a pencil box.

9 - In first grade I was also afraid to use the restroom at school. So I didn't. Ever. I held it all day until I got home. Had to learn to minimize liquids.

10 - I had a pet hairless rat named Templeton for several years.

11 - I'm incredibly afraid of the point of tears. Something traumatic must have happened to me in my childhood but I've suppressed the memory.

12 - I've always been obsessed with having everything picked up and organized. I can remember in high school that my mom would come in and clean my room so that I could do my homework.

13 - For some reason in college, I learned my roommate Abby's social security number and would check her grades for her. I still know it.

14 - I've never tried to water ski and really have no desire to.

15 - My Indian Princess name was Dancing Firefly.

16 - My favorite alcoholic beverage is Bailey's Irish Cream.

17 - I get really lazy when it comes to food when Jay's not here. Tonight for dinner I had 2 hard boiled eggs, honey roasted peanuts, and french fries. I thought about going to Chik-fil-a but then realized I could find protein and fried crap without having to leave our apartment.

18 - I was finishing my first (and only) triathlon when Hudson was born.

19 - I'm terrified of breaking the rules. I don't like getting in trouble.

20 - I don't like coffee, so I drink Diet Dr. Pepper every morning instead.

21 - I didn't really like Jay when I first met him (he knows this). But I knew I was going to marry him before he knew he was going to marry me.

I quit. That's close enough.


giga said...

22. You had so many guy friends at one point, you thought you might have bridesmen in your wedding.

I KNEW you'd be sorry about quitting piano! That recital was painful.

Jared and Kat said...

23. You NEVER got in trouble growing up because you could always make mom laugh!

LaurenMZ said...

24. You were (maybe still are - Jay?) the worst share-er EVER growing up. You wouldn't share your clothes, your Barbies ... nothing. You had the only Ken doll in the house at one point and would never let me play with him, even when you weren't playing with him. One time we got in a fight over him to the point that I was pulling his head trying to get him from you and you his feet trying to keep me from getting him, and I pulled his head off. You freaked out. Mom intervened and popped Ken's head back on, but he was never the same. He looked like he had no neck.

Brad and Katrina said...

#10- NO way! I didn't know this! I have a pet hairless rat in my classroom. The kids named her "Daisy Twinkles."

#4 and #8 made me laugh out loud.

#13- I know Brad's from college because of registering him for classes. I also thought about using that info against him and DROPPING his classes when he broke up with me. But like you, #19, I don't break the rules.

And finally, my indian princess name was something about a butterfly. I'll get back to you on that.