Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday Top Ten

Since being married for a little while now, there are new things I'm learning about Jay, too. Here are 10 things that I like about him:
  1. He laughs out loud at commercials - (and in movies, at TV shows, etc) I remember one of our first dates, he leaned over dying laughing at something in a movie and was so disappointed that I hardly smiled (if anyone has seen "Burn After Reading," I am totally the first guy Frances McDormand goes on a date with - emotionless - and Jay is George Clooney). My emotional antithesis, Jay laughs without fail at certain commercial (ex: Bud Light opera commercial), and I find it quite endearing.
  2. He cleans the bathroom (including the hair out of the drain)
  3. He is quick to apologize
  4. He is concerned for my office plant and my lack of watering it - If you think about it, it's good to know that the person who will some day be the father of your children has an accute concern for life and sustaining it.
  5. He willingly does dishes
  6. He has good taste in shoes - I've always thought so. And this can be so telling for guys: Is he fun/does he have a sense of humor? Does he clean up nicely? Is he stylish? Is he active? Does he take himself too seriously/can he be laid-back? (See what I mean?)
  7. He's got a lot of determination
  8. He is very creative - One of my favorite things is when I come home from school and he randomly composed a song that day.
  9. When he uses the shaker while playing drums with the other hand and sometimes hits the cymbal with the shaker, yeah, that's for me - When we were dating (so probably about 2 years ago), I went with him when he was playing somewhere. I told him I liked when he used the shaker in one hand while playing with a drumstick in the other hand - it was very tricky. He told me that could be for me. He probably doesn't remember saying it, but I always think "that's for me" when I see him do it.
  10. He makes me laugh

See, I can blog... But he's right - I'm really not a picture-taker.

My wife - the Linz

Lindsay doesn't really blog much. She doesn't really like to take pictures or make videos. Lindsay really doesn't like to do many of those typical girly things. I say girly but that may or may not be an accurate description of the activities I'm describing. Anyways... I've often noticed that unless I take pictures with her camera when we are on family trips (Italy) or places we go - just the two of us (Jaimaca, San Antonio), we don't really come back with pictures unless I've taken them myself. So I've made a decision to contribute to OUR blog for or about Linz every week at least once.

So... Here goes for Linz today - this is more about linz than from her.

Lindsay is engulfed most of the week in school with projects, papers, and most importantly, looking for a job. One thing I've started to notice in particular with school work is that lindsay is a little bit of an over-acheiver - I'm sure if I told my mother-in-law that she would say "Uh Jay....... duh...hello" mainly because I've been told that many times and mainly because it's true.

I say that because apparently there are still a lot of things I'm learning about my bride. It's like when Lindsay used to play fooseball with me all the time while we dated, but then shortly after our engagement I found my self without a fooseball partner. I distinctly remember asking her one day if she wanted to play a game like our normal routine and she responded "No, I don't really like fooseball." - "Amazing" I thought.

I also remember that she told me about her distaste for fooseball while I was standing in the doorway from the garage to the kitchen at her parents house (the table is in the garage) and Giga and Kath stood there smiling and giggling as they knew the truth the whole time. "It was all a lie" they said - "we knew it wouldn't last" - I was devastated. A year and a few months later and we have only played fooseball maybe twice.

Interesting things you learn about people after longer periods of time. Linz and I really met in lat 2005 at church (I think). So eventhough we have been married for a year and four months there is still a lot to learn about each other.

Lindsay is smart. Practical. Too practical. Almost annoying sometimes, but in a good way. Lindsay is all about "options". She relishes the idea of options. So many different combinations and so MUCH time according to Linz. We did learn one thing about each other early on. That if we both go to IKEA we leave fighting and arguing. I think I'm like most males - we decide what we want before we go to wherever it is we need to go to pick up said item. I say pick up because we make sure it's available before we go. We also know where it is in the store, the best area to park, and the fastest way to that aisle or section in the store. We also have all the necesities to make said purcahse, because we keep our KEYS and WALLET on us at all times. The latter of that list are typically things that aren't necessarily a "must-have", but whatever.

With all that said - and as much as I give her a hard time about some of those things - she is way smarter than me and has saved me countless hours of trips back and forth from place to place and always reminds me the most efficient way to carry out every day activities.

Oh yeah - she also likes to talk with her hands like her father and she doesn't like to talk about her feelings. Those are just FYI's. Ha

I love her.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

End of Week 5 Training

Since working out with Herschel - things have been going well - to date I have lost 11 lbs which is great, but now comes the second half of his program and the pounds aren't coming off as quickly or as easily. I've had to log all of my meals everyday for the last five weeks - even with the Hurricane. The week right after the storm was difficult due to the lack of power and grocery availability, but that's life. I weigh in tomorrow and our goal is at least 1 lb a week. I actually think I'll be behind in my goal.

I've been voluntarily working out at 8a.m. for four weeks! If some one would have told me I would be doing that last year at this time - I would have said they were crazy.

Linz is working hard to make contacts and find possible job interviews. She has a final interview with Frito-Lay in Dallas near the end of November. I think she really wants that job and it would be a great place to move to.

Anyways - pretty boring stuff. Lata

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Movies (small moments away from real-life)

We are most likely about to cancel our blockbuster subscription :( we haven't made a final decision. But, we traded in some online movies for in-store rentals. We are currently watching "Kabluey". Pretty funny.

Check it out.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Working out for real is hard.

So I hired a Personal Trainer................ you are probably either thinking - "you lazy ass" or "waste of money" - which are all valid points - I think it WILL be a waste unless I make sure to be committed and to make the most of it.

His name is Herschel Johnson.

Herschel has trained many professional athletes and celebrities such as Warren Moon and Jeff Bagwell. Herschel is an amazing guy... He is a little shy of 6 feet - and he's pretty much all muscle - not like the huge body builders (even though he has been Mr. Houston twice) but none the less - stacked, ripped, swole, etc. etc.

He is also intense. He's basically been kicking my ass for the last two weeks every morning at 8 a.m. Hopefully he and some strange will-power that is hiding somewhere in my huge gut will help me lose about 25 lbs.

Interesting tid-bits about Herschel - He calls me "Baby-Boy" told me on our first phone conversation that the one thing I needed to rap my head around was that he was going to "change my life" - and after our first workout he told me to enjoy week one and two - because "we ain' goin' to be friends after next week".

He is an incredible encourager - very smart - knows what he's talking about - more importantly he knows the science behind it and he cares.