Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5 Things Part 2 - The rest of it

Sold these on Craigslist last week...and there are 8 of each, which equals 24:

I feel lighter already!

My other goal for the month is to do a project each week for the last 2 weeks of the month...

Monday, February 11, 2013

5 Things Part 2 - Days 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10

Still a day behind, but making progress.  I love looking in a sock drawer and not seeing any stragglers!

  • Day 6:  2 pairs of old underwear and 3 mismatching songs
  • Day 7:  3 tupperware lids that no longer have matching bottoms, a belt thingy that I broke, and a wooden pallet that has been in our garage for a year that I gave away on Craigslist
  • Day 8:  more pajama pants, a jacket from Jay, my 8-yr-old office plant that is sadly diseased, lotion that smells like baby wipes (I know that's only 4 but I feel like the DVDs make up for it)
  • Day 9 and 10:  lots and lots of DVDs from Jay

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


The plan was to get rid of 5 things a day again for the first 2 weeks in February, and then complete a project each week the last 2 weeks.  Given it's February 6, I have some catching up to do.

Day 1:  A jar of pasta (this pasta is at least 1.5 years old because Jay has been gluten free that long now) and does not fit anywhere except on top of our fridge (I need shorter containers); a plant that a coworker gave me that I apparently can't take care of (I'm giving it back to another coworker); a french press that we brought back from Italy almost 6 years ago and have never used; a thing that I don't know what it is; and a stir fry thingy we've never used.

Days 2, 3, and 4:  10 yr old printer via Craigslist; some of Jay's pajama pants (for a guy who just sleeps in his underwear, he has a ton of PJs); some other various clothing; some reusable bags.

Day 5:  Some cooking utensils, because how many spatulas does one person really need?

I'm still 1 day behind but that's ok.

After my month+ of purging in October and November, I kind of missed it.  It helped focus me on simplifying, keeping our house orderly (even the hidden parts), and not wanting to bring anything else in.  This time around, it took me awhile to get back into the swing of it - the first 5 items were hard.  How quickly I became attached to things again!

But honestly, I don't remember any of the items (200+) that we got rid of a few months ago, meaning I don't miss a single thing.  And I really appreciate that we can open drawers now without the drawer getting stuck on the contents because we have 2 of everything (can openers, peelers...).  So hopefully I'll find more breathing room in this 2 week mini purge.