I really don’t even know where to begin. My whole purpose in life is supposed to be about my relationship with a living god. Now there’s an interesting idea. A LIVING God. I think deep down we all recognize some innate being that we want to relate to or know about. Most of us who have experienced something like that have decided for ourselves what we think that is. With all the research and logic behind what we decide it is, I guess that it’s mostly based on experientialism. What I mean is the idea that I’ve experienced it and therefore it exists for me. Even though I do believe that as a Christian you don’t have to believe blindly, but at the end of the day it seems that doing just that is an important part of faith. But back to my original statement – my whole purpose in existence should be about somebody else, but I’m desperately trying to make it about me, my life, my desires, my dreams, you name it. And, after all of that being said I would also have to add that doing that has left me very empty. I guess my personal hurdle that I can’t seem to figure out how to break has been laziness. Typical I guess. Obviously the answer that most Christians would answer to “how do I break this cycle?” would be to ask God for help, change, a desire etc. And, for me I do believe I need to do that. I guess it’s an attempt to find a balance between my work and the miraculous intervention of the Holy Spirit.
Well, I really want to play music. I love it. It’s hard. I’m going to bed.