I wanted to at least say a little bit about my most recent ventures.
I went on my first date of 2005 (maybe I shouldn't admit that) a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Abby. She is very sweet, intelligent, and a lot of fun to hang out with/ not to mention very pretty. We went to a restaraunt called Cheesecake Factory.
In this last adventure I have come to realize a couple of things. For one - Only now can I say that most girls are right to assume that most guys are lazy/crazy because they usually don't ever muster the courage to ask anyone out. And secondly, that given the chance, girls will usually let guys know how they feel if they will simply be patient enough.
Even though my last date was a one time thing, I appreciated her willingness to give me a chance, and also to say no when she could have avoided it.
I think that I am simply too impatient. What I mean is that - I expect the answers far too quickly.
Anyways - despite my previous posts - my hat is off to her.
And if you are reading this abby - I hope I am not embarrassing you. You are great.