Several people have recommended and given me books lately to read. Since being in school, I haven't exactly had a lot of time to read non-school books, but I figured I should get reading so I can return all these books!
I just finished this one that was given to me by a guy I tutor in Data Analysis:
It's a cute little book about leadership/management. Apparently, the three secrets in life can be summed up in squirrels, beavers, and geese. More specifically, the idea is that organizations are more efficient when everyone has a sense of purpose (squirrels), has ownership/control of goals (beavers), and encourages one another (geese).
The guy who gave this to me believes in it so much that he sent an email to our program director to give me "goose honks" (and he actually used those words in the email) for my help with tutoring him. But I will say, I felt good about helping him out just by receiving a little recognition. Guess it works, huh?
Goose honks! I'm teaching Hudson how to use that in a sentence for sure.
oh, and the other important thing to teach him is to close an email/conversation with an enthusiastic "gung ho!" instead of good bye, nice talking to you, etc.
If you start signing off your emails with "gung-ho" I will be seriously entertained.
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